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28851. [Image] Natural history and ecology of larval Lost River suckers and larval shortnose suckers in the Williamson River-Upper Klamath Lake System
We monitored larval Lost River and shortnose suckers from natal beds in the Williamson and Sprague rivers to nursery grounds in Upper Klamath Lake. Downstream movements occurred at night, in the middle ...Citation -
28852. [Image] Technical assistance and the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds: a statewide assessment by the Healthy Streams Partnership
"November 2002"; 66 p. in various paginations: ill., form -- Executive summary ([6]p.)Citation -
28853. [Image] Draft resource management plan/environmental impact statement for the Upper Klamath Basin
"March 1994."Citation -
28854. [Image] Soil survey of Klamath County, Oregon, southern part
Foreword The Soil Survey of Klamath County, Oregon, Southern Part, is the product of many soil scientists, plant specialists, soil engineers, extension specialists, land owners, and others who worked ...Citation -
28855. [Image] Status of Oregon's bull trout : distribution, life history, limiting factors, management considerations, and status
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Limited historical references indicate that bull trout Salvelinus confluentus in Oregon were once widely spread throughout at least 12 basins in the Klamath River and Columbia River ...Citation -
The study examines two species of sucker,the shortnose sucker(chasmistes brevirostrix), and the Lost River sucker,(deltisties luxatus) that inhabit Upper Klamath Lake and the effects of chronic toxicity ...