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A black-and-white photo with white text written at the bottom: "C-13. Log cradle where ocean going log rafts are built on Columbia River". The photograph shows a framework of upright posts held together ...
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A black-and-white photo with white text written at the bottom: "C-13. Log cradle where ocean going log rafts are built on Columbia River". The photograph shows a framework of upright posts held together ...
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28713. [Image] PH021_sioux_uprising_2
Three men, one identified as War Eagle, pose on the set of the film The Great Sioux Uprising. In the foreground a man in a cowboy hat sits with his hands folded on his lap. He wears a jacket over a shirt ...Citation -
28714. [Article] Fish Hatchery Ways & Means Manual 1986
Abstract -- The idea for this manual was conceived in 1969, while I was serving as assist ant manager of a new facility on the southern Oregon coast. We had struggled with several problems that always ...Citation -
28715. [Article] Worldwide phylogeography and local population structure of the rough-toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis)
Several dolphin species have global distributions. The extent of their radiation and limits to gene flow are presumably a product of oceanographic features both recent and historical, behavioral specializations ...Citation -
28716. [Article] Forest canopy sturcture in western Oregon : characterization, methods for estimation, prediction, and importance to avian species
Characterization of canopy structure, the horizontal and vertical distribution of the tree crowns in a forest, is important for the management of forests in the Pacific Northwest. The canopy is an important ...Citation -
28717. [Image] Draft upper Williamson River Watershed assessment
"Prepared for Klamath Basin Ecosystem Foundation, and the Upper Williamson River Catchment Group, in cooperation with the Upper Klamath Basin Working Group, and the Klamath Watershed Council."Citation -
photo (color); Photocopy; "Interviewed by Stephen R. Mark on September 18, 1997; Transcribed by Renee Edwards, August 1998." - T.p.
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photo; "Interviewed by Stephen R. Mark in March 1994; transcribed by Chris Prout, August 1997." - T.p.;
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photo (color); "Interviewed by Stephen R. Mark on August 25, 1998; transcribed by Renee Edwards, September 1998." - T.p.