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22121. [Image] Joseph Creek Canyon
Joseph Creek, tributary to Grande Ronde River;. Photo taken from "Cape Horn" on the road between Enterprise and Troy, OregonCitation -
22122. [Image] Steelhead trout and Indian jump trap
Photo shows Kettle Falls, on the Columbia River, which are now obliterated by the backwater from Grand Coulee DamCitation -
22123. [Image] Steelhead trout and Indian jump trap
Photo shows Kettle Falls, on the Columbia River, which are now obliterated by the backwater from Grand Coulee DamCitation -
22124. [Image] Steelhead trout and Indian jump trap
Photo shows Kettle Falls, on the Columbia River, which are now obliterated by the backwater from Grand Coulee DamCitation -
22125. [Image] Government Dam upper gates
Upper gates in the government locks on the Yamhill River near Lafayette, Oregon When this photo was taken the water was so low that boats or log rafts could not be passed; 1940-09-26 From Album 1 page ...Citation -
22126. [Image] Lebanon power dam
South Santiam River power dam at Lebanon, Oregon Fish ladder is in center of photoCitation -
22127. [Image] Wenaha confluence
Wenaha River in the foreground. Photo was taken from the hill in back of Troy, OregonCitation -
22128. [Image] Bedrock falls
A shallow bedrock falls on Sharps Creek, Oregon?. Photo shows a typical natural obstruction to fish at low water stages.Citation -
22129. [Image] South Fork Burnt River
Photo shows old dirt dam at lower end of upper reservoir and underwater outlet from reservoir. Dam is controlled by gate operated from towerCitation -
22130. [Image] Grande Ronde River near Cove, Oregon
In old Grande Ronde River channel meander. Photo shows the small volume of water which comes from Catherine Creek and Ladd CreekCitation