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21511. [Image] WCPA 18-28
Grover Caldwell at Roseland, Oregon - 1907The Caldwell brothers were sons of Joseph and Laura (Cornwell) Caldwell, members of the Oregon section of the ill-fated Donner Party emigrant train of 1846, the ...Citation -
21512. [Image] WCPA 207A-25
Hard at work in basement shop inletting of barrel and lock; finished starting cut at front of lock for shaping. Note penciled guide line. I did not care for back action locks. They weakened grips too m...Citation -
21513. [Image] WCPA 171-13
Kingsley SchoolL to R, Top Row: Cassie Thorbourn, Miss Emma Vogel, Teacher, Nettie Fraley2nd Row: Julia Nebeck, John Fraley, Nan Fraley, Maggie Yona, Athel Fraley, John Cox, Chas. Sparling3rd Row: George ...Citation -
21514. [Image] WCPA 196E-4
This was taken on Murray Night, March 25, 1954 at the Elks Club in The Dalles. This event was an unusual evening of recognition of Coach Murray for his many contributions to sports. Bob was a past Exalted ...Citation -
21515. [Image] WCPA 183-37
This image represents some of the Civic activities that Alf Wernmark has been involved with, including Northern Wasco County PUD, The Dalles City Bus, and othersJuly 1974Citation -
21516. [Image] WCPA 195D-40
Lampreys clinging to rocks, while resting on their up river journey. A lamprey has no vertebrate backbone like an eel. The current carries them along, and they rest by hanging to rocks with their cups ...Citation -
21517. [Image] WCPA 175A-6
Carmel Woodcock's Fourth Birthday Party: Oct. 7, 1912Back Row: Irma Driver, Thelma Woodcock, Frances (Frankie) Mott, Lucile Kennedy, Alma DriverFront Row: Clarice Zumwalt, Leone Zumwalt, Carmel Woodcock, ...Citation -
21518. [Image] WCPA 213-7
Lewis Johnson, 2nd from left, in his restaurant in The Dalles. He is Cora Ellen Johnson Potts' father, and my grandfather. Helen Potts Marks. He died from pneumonia caught when skating on Columbia Rive...Citation -
21519. [Image] Machine gun training on campus
Machine Gun training post WWI beside the Armory (now McAlexander Fieldhouse). Cadets are seen training with the Browning M1917A1 .303 Water Cooled machine gun. This photo, probably just after WWI shows ...Citation -
21520. [Image] OAC Cadet Band in front of Education Hall 1915
Military Band in front of Furman Hall (then Science Hall) in 1915. The OAC Cadet Band is shown with instruments wearing the brimmed caps and canvas puttees of the 1910-1917 period. Good detail of facade ...Citation