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  • Oregondigital df70gt703
    Along the line of the O. R. & N., The Dalles Machine Shop, 1866, Oregon Steam Navigation Company train on Cape Horn Trestle, two miles west of Celilo
  • Oregondigital df70gt746
    Along the line of the O.R. & N., The Dalles Machine Shop, 1883, Oregon Railway and Navigation Company Ainsworth Incline at Portland (For Transferring Cars across the River before the First Railroad Bridge ...
  • Oregondigital st74cq87t
  • 21474. [Image] WCPA 162C-19
    Oregondigital df70f189w
    Mosier View Orchards, Ortley - Planting Trees, Property of Hood River Orchard Land CompanyImages from the H.G. & Louisa (Ruch) Miller Estate
  • 21475. [Image] WCPA 208F-29
    Oregondigital df70gk82f
    ""Marlboro"", was built by McKay & Aldus, Wm. Healy, Supt. Healy was pupil of Mason. Left to join McKay and later went to Rhode Island Loco. Works. Over $800.00 was spent for fancy painting on engine. ...
  • 21476. [Image] WCPA 184A-26
    Oregondigital df70fd649
    Road building on the Columbia River Highway. ""To do the concrete and dry masonry, Italian road builders were imported, men whose ancestors had built the great Appian Way and the Coliseum in Rome.""
  • 21477. [Image] WCPA 171-4
    Oregondigital df70f846j
    Tygh Valley School, Teachers: Mrs. Muir, Miss BissellWallace Kellogg in back row directly behind Mrs. Muir with hand on girl's arm; Ted Black directly in front of Kellogg. Vera Black, middle of front row ...
  • 21478. [Image] WCPA 165G-2
    Oregondigital df70f508h
    Gov. Lister of the State of Washington, giving a speech on May 7, 1915, the day after the Celilo Celebration to Commemorate the Open River; speech took place at Kalama, Washington.
  • 21479. [Image] WCPA 181A-14
    Oregondigital df70fc308
    Union Pacific fan trip up Deschutes River on May 15, 1960. Train shown entering tunnel. (Final passenger service by the UP on its main lines ended last of April 1971). Passenger service here was revived ...
  • 21480. [Image] WCPA 181A-10
    Oregondigital df70fc26p
    One of the Great Locomotives of all time, UP 8444 takes water at The Dalles during visit in April 1974 with aid of City Firemen and a nearby fire hydrant. On level track it could haul 20 sleepers at 80 ...