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21441. [Image] WCPA 21-10
In this weeks News. Mrs. Arline Winchell Moore, writes of the rise and decline of the livery business in Hood River. From Bert Stranahan, who formerly was leading stage operator here, the News secured ...Citation -
21442. [Image] WCPA 175C-17
OK Livery, Tygh Valley, Or.""Boweta"", Ike Driver's Percheron Stallion, Mart New holding black stallion for Orange Brittain, other men: Lou Woodside, Marion HustonCitation -
21443. [Image] WCPA 175C-13
""Lake and Woodcock Saw Mill - Note that it is steam power brick firebox and tall smokestack. On board 175 Martin Wing Sawmill is water power by flume and overshot wheel""Citation -
21444. [Image] WCPA 201A-14
About 1922-1925, Newsreel camera crew came up to Celilo to film, ""The Life of the Salmon"". They stayed at John Stiles place, ""Stiles-On-The-Deschutes"". John had a retriever who would go out and retrieve ...Citation -
21445. [Image] WCPA 162C-6
Wood Scow ""Ella F."" at boat landing, The Dalles; in background on opposite shore: Shoe Factory at DallesportImages from the H.G. & Louisa (Ruch) Miller EstateCitation -
21446. [Image] WCPA 225-11
This 27 mule combine team taken 1932 owned and operated by George Wagenblast. Kuck place shows 3 counties: Wasco (left), Sherman (right) Klickitat (top). 2 States: Oregon (lower) Washington (top). Deschutes ...Citation -
21447. [Image] WCPA 177-13
Lindsay Inn: c. 1912 - Located on Columbia River Highway between Hood River & Cascade Locks. People took steamer ""Dalles City"". It landed at the rock outcropping where Lindsay Creek enters the river....Citation -
21448. [Image] WCPA 174-9
Dalles High School Football Team - 1904Front Row: _ _, Guy Sexton, _ _Middle Row: _ _, _ _, Taylor, Fagan, _ _, _ _Back Row: Bartell, Bob Murray, Landers, Bartell, George ObarrCitation -
21449. [Image] WCPA 196D-13
City fathers of the Old Fort Dalles Frolics, vintage late 1920's. Left to right: 1. Dr. George Newhouse, 2. _ _ , 3. George Fitzgerald with shillelagh, 4. Bob Murray, 5. _ _ , 6. Bob Crooks, 7. _ _ , 8. ...Citation -
21450. [Image] WCPA 174-8
The Old Faithfuls after the morning workout at Heppner, July 4 '27""Jeff"" Dripps, ""Ding"" Devane, ""Bru"" (Dick Broughard), ""Butch"" Lawrence, Bill GreenCitation