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21281. [Image] Perfectly good tree
Black and white image of students seated in a median next to a tree with signs on it reading "Gone" ; "Perfectly good tree." This was part of the protest against removing trees on 11th Avenue in Eugen...Citation -
21282. [Image] All Night Protest
Black and white image of students seated. Most of the students are facing the same direction. A sign beside the group reads in part "All-Night Protest Stop the War in Viet Nam."Citation -
21283. [Image] Strike against war
Black and white image of students demonstration on the steps of a University of Oregon campus buildings. The signs being held by the students include : "Pass the Nye-Kvale Bill" ; "Defend Spanish democracy" ...Citation -
21284. [Image] Bill Bowerman, The Jogging, page 194
Image of the fifth page (page 194) of an article titled "The Jogging" from a Japanese magazine. This page has images of students jogging; and three images that include Nike shoes.Citation -
21285. [Image] Deady and Villard Halls - 2
Black and white image of two male students standing on the sidewalk in front of the steps to Deady Hall. A woman stands on the Deady Hall steps. Villard Hall is visible in the background.Citation -
21286. [Image] ROTC parade 1944
Black and white image of a ROTC parade in 1944. The parade is taking place in the field between Mac Court and Hayward FieldCitation -
21287. [Image] PH036_3973
[Advertisement photo for roundup.]Citation -
21288. [Image] PH036_3972
[Advertisement photo for roundup.]Citation -
21289. [Image] PH036_3975
[Advertisement photo for roundup.]Citation -
21290. [Image] PH036_3974
[Advertisement photo for roundup.]Citation