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21141. [Image] The OSC Bookstore, located in the Memorial Union
21143. [Image] Dedication of a Constitutional shrine at the Memorial Union
The shrine was donated to OSC by Harold Wendle of Lipman, Wolfe & Co. in Portland.Citation -
21144. [Image] Launching of the R/V Acona
21145. [Image] Launching of the R/V Acona
21146. [Image] Group Portrait of Blue Key honor society members
Oregon State’s Blue Key chapter was established in 1934 to honor male students with strong academic backgrounds and who demonstrated “superior leadership and unselfish commitment to others.”Citation -
The student wears a sign reading "I'm a Dumb Duck. Beat Oregon."
Citation -
21148. [Image] The OSC Homecoming court with Oregon Governor Doug McKay
Standing to McKay's left is Donna Erickson, who was Homecoming queen that year.Citation -
21149. [Image] Gertrude Tank with children at a dental office
Gertrude Tank was a research dentist conducting a fluoridation studyCitation -
21150. [Image] Preparing a Homecoming barbecue