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"Dr. Winger showing typing techniques using the tachistoscope to Diane Stoody Youtz."
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"Dr. Winger showing typing techniques using the tachistoscope to Diane Stoody Youtz."
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20493. [Image] Sally Shideler and Polly Nixon
Sally Shideler, out-going Associated Women Students president; Polly Nixon, incoming AWS presidentCitation -
20494. [Image] Sally Shideler and Polly Nixon
Sally Shideler, out-going Associated Women Students president; Polly Nixon, incoming AWS presidentCitation -
20495. [Image] Associated Women Students officers for 1953-1954
20496. [Image] Associated Women Students officers for 1953-1954
20497. [Image] Associated Women Students officers for 1953-1954
20498. [Image] Secretarial Science Christmas party
20499. [Image] Associated Women Students officers for 1953-1954
20500. [Image] Associated Women Students officers for 1953-1954