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19341. [Image] Russ, Joanna; photo
Photograph of Joanna RussCitation -
19342. [Image] Campus Scenes; Bicycle
Items from a collection of University of Oregon faculty, students, buildings, organizations, and events.Citation -
Items from a collection of University of Oregon faculty, students, buildings, organizations, and events.
Citation -
19344. [Image] Campus Plans; Scrapbook
Items from a collection of University of Oregon faculty, students, buildings, organizations, and events.Citation -
19345. [Image] Campus Plans
Items from a collection of University of Oregon faculty, students, buildings, organizations, and events.Citation -
19346. [Image] Rhizocarpon diploschistidina
Apothecial section; Location: Horse Heaven Hills plot 172, 18 degree slope, 30 degr E of N; Substrate: Diploschistes on soil; Elevation: 378 meters; Notes: N-facing slope. McCune photos. Plate 259 TLC: ...Citation -
19347. [Image] Sarcogyne mitziae
Hymenium; Location: Horse Heaven Hills plot 304, 7 degree slope, 179 degr E of N; Substrate: Soil and organic matter; Elevation: 505 meters; Notes: Identified by B. McCune. Fertile. Photos. unknown species ...Citation -
19348. [Image] Sarcogyne mitziae
Exciple edge, young; Location: Horse Heaven Hills plot 304, 7 degree slope, 179 degr E of N; Substrate: Soil and organic matter; Elevation: 505 meters; Notes: Identified by B. McCune. Fertile. Photos. ...Citation -
19349. [Image] Sarcogyne mitziae
Apothecial section; Location: Horse Heaven Hills plot 304, 7 degree slope, 179 degr E of N; Substrate: Soil and organic matter; Elevation: 505 meters; Notes: Identified by B. McCune. Fertile. Photos. unknown ...Citation -
19350. [Image] Sarcogyne mitziae
Apothecia; Location: Horse Heaven Hills plot 304, 7 degree slope, 179 degr E of N; Substrate: Soil and organic matter; Elevation: 505 meters; Notes: Identified by B. McCune. Fertile. Photos. unknown species ...Citation