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19311. [Image] Verrucaria sphaerospora
Perithecia; Habitat: Artemisia steppe with scattered Juniperus, basalt boulders and cliffs; Location: NE facing cliffs above Dry River, N of US Hwy 20 and Horse Ridge; Substrate: Rock, basalt; Elevation: ...Citation -
19312. [Image] Verrucaria sphaerospora
Spores; Habitat: Artemisia steppe with scattered Juniperus, basalt boulders and cliffs; Location: NE facing cliffs above Dry River, N of US Hwy 20 and Horse Ridge; Substrate: Rock, basalt; Elevation: 1200 ...Citation -
19313. [Image] Verrucaria sphaerospora
Hymenium IKI; Habitat: Artemisia steppe with scattered Juniperus, basalt boulders and cliffs; Location: NE facing cliffs above Dry River, N of US Hwy 20 and Horse Ridge; Substrate: Rock, basalt; Elevation: ...Citation -
19314. [Image] Verrucaria sphaerospora
Habit; Habitat: Artemisia steppe with scattered Juniperus, basalt boulders and cliffs; Location: NE facing cliffs above Dry River, N of US Hwy 20 and Horse Ridge; Substrate: Rock, basalt; Elevation: 1200 ...Citation -
19315. [Image] Verrucaria sphaerospora
Exciple IKI; Habitat: Artemisia steppe with scattered Juniperus, basalt boulders and cliffs; Location: NE facing cliffs above Dry River, N of US Hwy 20 and Horse Ridge; Substrate: Rock, basalt; Elevation: ...Citation -
19316. [Image] Verrucaria sphaerospora
Exciple; Habitat: Artemisia steppe with scattered Juniperus, basalt boulders and cliffs; Location: NE facing cliffs above Dry River, N of US Hwy 20 and Horse Ridge; Substrate: Rock, basalt; Elevation: ...Citation -
19317. [Image] Verrucaria poeltii
Spores; Habitat: Rocky alpine summit with Siyeh Limestone Formation; Location: Flathead Range, summit of Great Northern Mountain; Substrate: Rock; Elevation: 2620 meters; Notes: V. poeltii det. O. Breuss ...Citation -
19318. [Image] Verrucaria poeltii
Perithecial section; Habitat: Rocky alpine summit with Siyeh Limestone Formation; Location: Flathead Range, summit of Great Northern Mountain; Substrate: Rock; Elevation: 2620 meters; Notes: V. poeltii ...Citation -
19319. [Image] Verrucaria poeltii
Perithecial section; Habitat: Rocky alpine summit with Siyeh Limestone Formation; Location: Flathead Range, summit of Great Northern Mountain; Substrate: Rock; Elevation: 2620 meters; Notes: V. poeltii ...Citation -
19320. [Image] Verrucaria poeltii
Perithecia; Habitat: Rocky alpine summit with Siyeh Limestone Formation; Location: Flathead Range, summit of Great Northern Mountain; Substrate: Rock; Elevation: 2620 meters; Notes: V. poeltii det. O. ...Citation