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19251. [Image] Microbiology students in the laboratory
The campground, located west of Parker Stadium, was set up for attendees of a joint meeting of the American Institute of Biological Sciences and the Association for the Advancement of Science.
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19253. [Image] James Brady and Edwin Yunker with the OSC cyclotron
Edwin Yunker was a member of the Physics faculty at Oregon State from 1925-1968, serving as department chair from 1949 to 1966. James Brady was a fellow faculty member in the Physics Department.Citation -
19254. [Image] Arvid Lonseth with a new computer
Arvid Lonseth was a faculty member in Mathematics.Citation -
19255. [Image] Wil Gamble working in the laboratory
Wilbert Gamble came to OSU in 1962 and joined the faculty of the Chemistry Department. He became part of the newly created Biochemistry and Biophysics Department when it was established in 1967. Gamble’s ...Citation -
J. Granville Jensen helped to establish the OSC Department of Geography and served as chair of the department from 1946 to 1964.
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19258. [Image] "The Black Bag" attending class under media scrutiny
"The Black Bag" was an anonymous OSU student who attended class attired in a plain black garment, attracting significant media attention in the process. The class shown in this photo is Speech 113, taught ...Citation -
USFS photo #340707
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19260. [Image] Rest period at the Poverty Ridge fire camp, Civilian Conservation Corps, Siskiyou National Forest
USFS photo #391965Citation