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Four hundred students participated in the telefund campaign. They made 20,000 calls to alumni and raised $164,000. This photo appeared in the 1989 Beaver yearbook.
Citation -
19243. [Image] A square dance jamboree in the Memorial Union ballroom
19244. [Image] Students in a copyediting laboratory taught by Adelaide Lake
Adelaide Lake was a Journalism professor at OSC.Citation -
19245. [Image] Viewing photos
19246. [Image] Evaluating squash
Photo is illustrating the commercial value of various strains of squash and of squash canned at various stages of maturity. Ernest Wiegand is in the middle and Arthur G. B. Bouquet is on the left.Citation -
19247. [Image] Dearborn Hall
19248. [Image] OSU faculty working in the Radiation Center
Pictured are Jim Barnes (seated) and John Prince.Citation -
19249. [Image] Fred Burgess, head of Civil and Sanitary Engineering at OSU
Burgess is posing at the Corvallis Sewage Treatment PlantCitation -
19250. [Image] Running tests for the Bonneville Power Administration
Testing conductors is Charles Heath, OSC professor of Mechanical EngineeringCitation