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USFS photo #391996
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USFS photo #289013
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USFS photo #340036
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19074. [Image] Workmen cutting lumber with a small protable ripsaw at the Ashburnham Forest Service camp #13, Massachusetts
USFS photo #383277Citation -
19075. [Image] Emergency Relief Administration winter camp, Summit Creek, Whitman National Forest, Oregon
USFS photo #340664Citation -
19076. [Image] Kyle Canyon CCC camp members stand at attention as the flag is lowered, Nevada National Forest
USFS photo #398239Citation -
USFS photo #340843
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USFS photo #282778
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19079. [Image] CCC enrollee Thales Bay of Orin, Illinois, at work on a fire tower, Camp Ingram, F-49, Fremont National Forest, Oregon
USFS photo #281497Citation -
USFS photo #340967