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18891. [Image] Portrait of Bernard Kalei Chang
Bernard Kalei Chang was an OSC student in Civil Engineering from Waimea, Hawaii. He lived in Hawley Hall during the 1941-1942 academic year. The Photo is used in the 1942 yearbook, page 265.Citation -
18892. [Image] Typing students viewing projector screen
18893. [Image] Students using calculators
The students were taking an office procedures class.Citation -
18894. [Image] 1951 Oregon National 4-H Club Congress delegates
Esther Taskerud (back row, second from right) and other Extension officials and student delegation to the National 4-H Club Congress. Photo part of the Extension Oral History Project.Citation -
18895. [Image] Class group photo
18896. [Image] Photo of Francois Vase
Photograph from the personal collection of Dr. Steven Lowenstam (1945-2003), Department of Classics, University of Oregon.Citation -
18897. [Image] 4-H boys helping with seed bed preparation
Photo is from the 1961/1962 Warm Springs Extension annual report.Citation -
18898. [Image] 4-H boys learn about irrigation methods
Photo is from the 1961/1962 Warm Springs Extension annual report.Citation -
18899. [Image] Alfalfa field maintained by the 4-H boys after cutting
The Photo is from the 1961/1962 Warm Springs Extension annual report.Citation -
18900. [Image] 4-H boys installing fence posts
Photo is from the 1961/1962 Warm Springs Extension annual report.Citation