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2021. [Image] Lost River Channel Improvement, Langell Valley - Construction of timber bridge, Sta. 454-00
KP-1979-R2 - Klamath Project. Lost River Channel Improvement, Langell Valley. Picture taken from southwest side showing piledriver in position to drive last pile. Charles T. Hover, contractor; June 15, ...Citation -
2022. [Image] Lost River Channel Improvement, Langell Valley - Construction of timber bridge, Sta. 454-00
KP-1980-R2 - Klamath Project. Telephoto. Lost River Channel Improvement, Langell Valley. Picture taken from southwest side showing top of pile and hammer after pile is driven; June 15, 1950; Photo by ...Citation -
KP-1981-R2 - Klamath Project. Lost River Channel Improvement, Langell Valley. Sta.454-00. Picture taken underneath bridge showing vertical cracks in piling. This pile will remain under bridge. Bob Caster, ...
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2024. [Image] Tule Lake Sump Dikes - East bank of N-Canal south
KP-1983-R2 - Klamath Project. Tule Lake Sump Dikes. Looking south. Picture shows N-Canal, Great Northern Railroad and borrow area on both sides of railroad; June 29, 1950; Photo by Andrew M. Bergloff...Citation -
KP-2074-R2 - Klamath Project. Lost River Diversion Channel. 24-inch concrete pipe culvert. Picture shows addition of new pipe to the old. New pipe begins at collars shown at bottom of picture. This ...
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KP-2072-R2 - Klamath Project. Lost River Diversion Channel. Picture shows construction and placing of concrete footing for abutment. Piling can be seen underneath steel reinforcement; September 13, ...
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2027. [Image] Klamath Straits Drain - Middle Canal Flume
KP-2070-R2 - Klamath Project. Klamath Straits Drain. Middle Canal Flume. Northeast side of flume showing newly driven piles. Piles are to support a concrete beam which will be poured after apron is ...Citation -
2028. [Image] Lost River Diversion Channel - Picture shows newly constructed bents for bridge at Sta. 346-10
KP-2066-R2 - Klamath Project. Lost River Diversion Channel. Concrete has been sprayed with white pigment for curing purposes; August 31, 1950; Photo by Andrew M. BergloffCitation -
2029. [Image] Lost River Diversion Channel - Sta. 344-00
KP-1992-R2 - Klamath Project. Lost River Diversion Channel. Sta. 344-00. Ponding of water on top of dike in preparation for compaction of new dike. This material is highly diatomaceous. Absorbing ...Citation -
2030. [Image] Lost River Diversion Channel - Picture shows construction of county road by cat and carryall
KP-1997-R2 - Klamath Project. Lost River Diversion Channel. Satisfactory compaction is obtained from weight of cat tracks and from pressure under the bid [sic -?] carryall tires. Sta. 360-00. Looking ...Citation