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1821. [Image] 1946 Land Opening - Six-plate panoramic view of sites of farms homesteaded in 1946 (Second of six plates)
KP-1398-R2 - Klamath Project. 1946 Land Opening. 2 of 6; This panoramic view of the sites shows the main body of farms photographed from the top of the peninsula near Newell, with the Japanese Camp at ...Citation -
1822. [Image] 1946 Land Opening - Six-plate panoramic view of sites of farms homesteaded in 1946 (Third of six plates)
KP-1399-R2 - Klamath Project. 1946 Land Opening. 3 of 6; This panoramic view of the sites shows the main body of farms photographed from the top of the peninsula near Newell, with the Japanese Camp at ...Citation -
1823. [Image] 1946 Land Opening - Six-plate panoramic view of sites of farms homesteaded in 1946 (Fourth of six plates)
KP-1400-R2 - Klamath Project. 1946 Land Opening. 4 of 6; This panoramic view of the sites shows the main body of farms photographed from the top of the peninsula near Newell, with the Japanese Camp at ...Citation -
1824. [Image] 1946 Land Opening - Six-plate panoramic view of sites of farms homesteaded in 1946 (Fifth of six plates)
KP-1401-R2 - Klamath Project. 1946 Land Opening. 5 of 6; This panoramic view of the sites shows the main body of farms photographed from the top of the peninsula near Newell, with the Japanese Camp at ...Citation -
1825. [Image] 1946 Land Opening - Six-plate panoramic view of sites of farms homesteaded in 1946 (Sixth of six plates)
KP-1402-R2 - Klamath Project. 1946 Land Opening. 6 of 6; This panoramic view of the sites shows the main body of farms photographed from the top of the peninsula near Newell, with the Japanese Camp at ...Citation -
KP-1412-R2 - Klamath Project. 1946 Land Opening. 1 of 3; This homestead, owned by Oliver E. Bryant, was one of 86 opened to entry in 1946; March 12, 1947; Photo by J. E. Fluharty
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1827. [Image] Pumping Plant A - View of vertical cracks in subsurface material along the east side of excavation for the plant
KP-1100-R2 - Klamath Project. The vertical cracks were present before excavation, indicating a shrinkage during a period after the initial deposition, possibly after the withdrawal of Tule Lake; March ...Citation -
1828. [Image] Tule Lake land in the rough
KP-1110-R2 - Klamath Project; Tulana Farms, the lessee of this land, has constructed a dike holding back Tule Lake waters and have burnt off the tules in preparation for cultivation. Looking south from ...Citation -
1829. [Image] A-4 Lateral three days after chemical treatment of moss
KP-1127-R2 - Klamath Project; Showing A-4-Lateral three days after it had been treated with Benechlor 3C for killing of moss. No moss is in evidence. Same location as picture KP-1125; July 15, 1945; Photo ...Citation -
1830. [Image] Klamath Straits Drain Outlet - South Canal Syphon
KP-1132-R2 - Klamath Project; General view of the end of the barrel at the north or upstream contraction joint. Only fine grading has been completed for the next section connecting the barrel with the ...Citation