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3461. [Image] East side of barn on Francis J. Flowers Estate
KP-1095-R2 - Klamath Project - Tule Lake Division - Modoc Unit; A portion of the barn is located within the right-of-way required for the Klamath Straits Drain; January 29, 1945; Photo by R. S. Hopkins...Citation -
KP-1096-R2 - Klamath Project - Tule Lake Division - Modoc Unit. Reinforcing steel and forms are in place; January 29, 1945; Photo by R. S. Hopkins
Citation -
3463. [Image] General E.R.S. Canby's Cross
[1920s?]; Photo shows Canby's Cross monument, erected in Lava Beds National Monument; the sign on the photo reads: "Modoc National Forest. Canbys Cross. General R.E.S.[sic] Canby was killed here by Modocs ...Citation -
3464. [Image] [895.2 - Klamath]
March 3, 1940; Dam on the photo appears to be identical to the one on photo 895 - Klamath, taken from a different angleCitation -
3465. [Image] Tule Lake Tunnel Station 247, showing supported section
913 - Klamath; January 18, 1941; Photo by W. L. SmithCitation -
3466. [Image] TULE LAKE SUMP 3, Specs. DC-5621
P12-200-2661 - Klamath Project, California - TULE LAKE SUMP 3, Specs. DC-5621. N-12-b, Sta. 58. Cat 12 motor patrol finishing lateral prism; May 31, 1962; Photo by K.J. GreeneCitation -
3467. [Image] TULE LAKE SUMP 3, Spec. 200C-483, and DC-5621
P12-200-2664 - Klamath Project, California - TULE LAKE SUMP 3, Spec. 200C-483, and DC-5621. 101-B Drain. Looking east from Pumping Plant 10. Elev. W.S. 40.21.1; May 31, 1962; Photo by K.J. GreeneCitation -
3468. [Image] TULE LAKE SUMP 3, 101-A Drain
P12-200-2665 - Klamath Project, California - TULE LAKE SUMP 3, 101-A Drain. Looking west with channel to Pumping Plant S on the left; June 2, 1962; Photo by K.J. GreeneCitation -
3469. [Image] TULE LAKE SUMP 3, Spec. DC-5621
P12-200-2666 - Klamath Project, California, TULE LAKE SUMP 3, Spec. DC-5621. 101-B-1 Drain looking north from 101-A Drain; June 2, 1962; Photo by K.J. GreeneCitation -
3470. [Image] TULE LAKE SUMP 3, Specs. DC-5686
P12-200-2667 - Klamath Project, California - TULE LAKE SUMP 3, Specs. DC-5686. 101-B-5 Drain looking north from 101-A Drain; June 2, 1962; Photo by K.J. GreeneCitation