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3201. [Image] Settlement Program - Frank Sullivan, homesteader of 1946
KP-1566-R2 - Klamath Project. Settlement Program. Frank Sullivan, homesteader of 1946, is rarely at home because he is still a bachelor. People who come to visit him leave notes on the blackboard on ...Citation -
KP-1567-R2 - Klamath Project. Settlement Program. Frank L. Sullivan, a bachelor and a homesteader of 1946, pours himself a glass of milk in front of a table littered with dishes that have not been washed ...
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KP-1569-R2 - Klamath Project. Settlement Program. Frank L. Sullivan, a bachelor and a homesteader of 1946, sadly contemplates a pair of "holey" socks; October 16, 1947; Photo by J. E. Fluharty
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3204. [Image] Settlement Program - Frank L. Sullivan, a bachelor and a homesteader of 1946, stands by his new 1947 automobile
KP-1570-R2 - Klamath Project. Settlement Program; October 16, 1947; Photo by J. E. FluhartyCitation -
3205. [Image] Settlement Program - The Peninsula photographed from a portion of the lands homesteaded in 1946
KP-1571-R2 - Klamath Project. Settlement Program; October 16, 1947; Photo by J. E. FluhartyCitation -
3206. [Image] Settlement Program - Mrs. Marinella Hundley takes a break from her labors while helping her husband build their new home
KP-1573-R2 - Klamath Project. Settlement Program; October 16, 1947; Photo by J. E. FluhartyCitation -
3207. [Image] Settlement Program - Mrs. Marinella Hundley helps her husband, Harry, put the finishing touches on their new home
KP-1574-R2 - Klamath Project. Settlement Program. Mrs. Hundley is handing her husband one of the beautiful light fixtures that are general throughout the house; October 16, 1947; Photo by J. E. Fluhar...Citation -
3208. [Image] Settlement Program - Nearly completed block house of Mr. and Mrs. Harry [H]undley, homesteader of 1946
KP-1575-R2 - Klamath Project. Settlement Program; October 16, 1947; Photo by J. E. FluhartyCitation -
KP-1576-R2 - Klamath Project. Settlement Program. Mrs. Theresa Wynn holds her new son, John Ray Wynn, one of the first babies to be born since the land was opened to settlement in 1946. October 16, 1947; ...
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3210. [Image] Settlement Program - John S. Wynn is one of many of the settlers of 1946 who is building his own home
KP-1579-R2 - Klamath Project. Settlement Program; October 16, 1947; Photo by J. E. FluhartyCitation