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Photo 14- Loading hook with special _t_ hook or _finger link_ for attaching to crotch line 5/24/15, 29 1/25 p and m cloudy dull
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25882. [Image] PH297_CB_10 Dan Powell photographs; Powell_round2_0027
Black and white image of clear rectangles covered in handwriting stacked against a white background. Atop these sits a drawing of a skyscraper. Curved pieces of wire and an image of a human head are ...Citation -
25883. [Image] PH297_AM_11 Dan Powell photographs; Powell_0020
Black and white image of a black and white photographic still life with abstract clay figurine. Edition: 4/10. negative 1990.Citation -
25884. [Image] PH297_LS_25 Dan Powell photographs; Powell_round2_0047
Black and white photographic diptych of two views of arched stone doorway. One view shows a man in front of the door. Set against a black background with white handwriting. Edition: 1/10.Citation -
25885. [Image] PH297_TP_23 Dan Powell photographs; Powell_0033
Black and white abstract photographic assemblage; Edition: 1/12.Citation -
25886. [Image] PH297_SC_05 Dan Powell photographs; Powell_round2_0017
Color image of a figure rising from a blue window. Appears against black background between pink vase holding plant material and hand-written letter on red paper. Print 88.Citation -
25887. [Image] PH297_SC_15 Dan Powell photographs; Powell_round2_0019
Color image of two abstract faces in window, drawn against a mottled brown background. A large gold feather appears in front of the drawing.Citation -
25888. [Image] PH297_WL_22 Dan Powell photographs; Steens_Mountain
Black and white image of a view of a rock formation in the Steens Mountains in Eastern Oregon. Negative 1997, print by Rick Gersbach 2007.Citation -
25889. [Image] PH297_WL_27 Dan Powell photographs; Yakima_River
Black and white image of a view of the Yakima River, Highway 10 between Ellensberg and Cle Elum, Washington. Negative 1988, print by Rick Gersbach 2007.Citation -
25890. [Image] PH297_WL_26 Dan Powell photographs; Warner_Lakes
Black and white image of a view of Warner Lakes Ares, near Plush in Eastern Oregon. Negative 1997, print by Rick Gersbach 2007.Citation