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  • Oregondigital df70bm616
    Black and white abstract photographic image (sculpture). Edition: 1/12.
  • Oregondigital df70bm527
    Color image of a vase of white gladiolas before a wall papered with the image of a man in a necktie. Bare sections of wall contain handwriting and small drawings of figures.
  • Oregondigital df70bm71f
    Black and white image of a dead and decaying rabbit in the sand near Lake Abert, in Eastern Oregon. Edition: 2/15.
  • Oregondigital df70bm54s
    Black and white image of the interior of a Brooklyn artists studio. Edition: 1/20.
  • Oregondigital df70bm62g
    Black and white abstract photographic assemblage; Edition: 1/12.
  • Oregondigital df70bm81p
    Black and white image of a piece of paper bearing an image of a classical sculpture. Handwriting and rows of number cover the figure. It is set a against a black background, above a white tulip, some ...
  • Oregondigital df67th68s
    Photo 11a- Different methods of loading logs on cars. Men do not seem to think diamond arrangement is any better in fact those who have used this and the ordinary crotch line say this is slower
  • Oregondigital df67th65z
    Photo 8- Camp of the Wisconsin Logging and Timber Co. near Midway, Washington showing small bunk houses for one or two men
  • Oregondigital df66q306n
    Lower Benson Dam on Catherine Creek near US 30 bridge between Union and La Grande, Oregon. Photo shows low water barrier
  • 25850. [Image] Obtaining salmon eggs
    Oregondigital df66q0567
    Photo shows Archie Anderson and an assistant obtaining eggs from gravid chinook salmon by slitting belly at the salmon hatchery on the Middle Fork of the Santiam River near Foster, Oregon; 1940-09-25