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25762. [Image] Photo Flight - Oblique - 20
25763. [Image] Photo Flight - Oblique - 13
25764. [Image] Visitor looks southward across Cape Creek Inlet
Visitor looks southward across Cape Creek Inlet towards the area of the spouting horn at Cape Perpetua. Photo dated sometime about the mid-1930's as the bridge across cook's Chasm can be seen in the ba...Citation -
25765. [Image] WCPA 221-17
Robert (Bob) DePriest Family:L to R, Back Row: Cory DePriest (John & Carroll's), Penni & Todd Meislahn, Jane and Dave Wilson, Stephanie, Casey & Paul DePriest, John DePriest, Lauren (Ken's) on Kreig DePriest's ...Citation -
25766. [Image] WCPA 248A-8
Alec Bisset riding on his ranch at Wolf Run southwest of Dufur circa 1965. A lifetime Stock raiser, he often rode at the Dufur Farmer's Union Picnic.Citation -
25767. [Image] WCPA 185C-29
The Keeney Family - 1950Walt and Billie Lacey, Sam Snyder, Ed Kelty, Ralph and Jack Keeney, Bessie Lamereaux, Grace Snyder, Ida and Larry Kelty, Loa Snyder, Bert Keeney, ""Dad"" Willard Keeney, William ...Citation -
25768. [Image] WCPA 181-14
A part of one of the biggest crowds ever in The Dalles took part in Ceremonies of Dedication at the Dam and following luncheon at The Dalles Junior High School. This was the outdoors crowd.Citation -
25769. [Image] WCPA 171C-11
Mill Creek SchoolL to R Top Row: Orra Brace, Miss Neilsen, Teacher; Myra Powell2nd Row: Frank Conrad, Ralph Hazen, Lewis Powell, Mike Hazen, Susie Gosson, Angeline Seque, Stella BraceBottom Row: Alice ...Citation -
25770. [Image] WCPA 184A-16
Railroad passengers to Dufur and Friend in the old days of the Great Southern, now only a memory, could get there on a jitney. Image taken in the early 1920's. At left is the Engineer, William S. Phillips, ...Citation