
Search Results

  • The Differential Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) is estimated to exam the direct and spillover responses for salmon promotion conducted by the Norwegian Seafood Export Council in EU Atlantic salmon market. ...
  • In July 1997 a trade agreement between Norway and the European Union went into effect. The agreement specifies an increase in the export levy on Norwegian salmon entering the EU from 0.75% to 3.00% ad ...
  • The salmon runs of the Columbia River constitute one of the most important natural resources of the states of Oregon and Washington. Thousands of people are dependent, wholly or in part, upon these resources ...
  • Salmon management philosophies of the five salmon jurisdictions of the North Pacific (Japan, Russia, Canada, Alaska and the American Northwest) are examined in a historical and geographic context. The ...
  • This is the first report on the susceptibility of salmonid fish to infection with the glochidia of the freshwater mussel Margaritifera. margaritifera using known numbers of parasites under controlled conditions. ...
  • A study of the fishery problems raised by the construction of the Grand Coulee Dam on the upper Columbia River was done. Part of the study was to estimate the number of salmon taken in commercial fishery ...
  • Citation
  • 48. [Article] Coho salmon
    Description of Coho salmon published by the Lower Nehalem Watershed Council.
  • This report was prepared by the Independent Multidisciplinary Science Team of the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds.
  • 17 p.