
Search Results

  • In Part I the environment of the coastal dunes of Oregon and Washington is analyzed. Most of the substratum is a narrow foreland or terrace, in part submerged, that borders the mountain front. Temperature ...
  • Urban African American adolescents exhibit high levels of risk behavior, disproportionately high rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and are at risk for acquiring Human Immunodefiency Virus ...
  • The structure and composition of mixed-conifer forest (MCF) in central Oregon has been altered by fire exclusion and logging. The resulting increased density, spatial contagion, and loss of fire resistant ...
  • Supervolcanic eruptions are among the most catastrophic phenomena on Earth, erupting 100s-1000s of cubic kilometers of magma, and producing devastating local effects and global climate perturbations. The ...
  • Soils representative of several landscape units in the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Western Cascade Range, were sampled, analyzed, and tentatively classified. Genetic inferences were drawn relating ...
  • Streamflow patterns are a result of the interaction of many factors, including climate, vegetation, geology, and topography. Analyses indicate that streamflow patterns have changed around the United States ...
  • The endangered Hawaiian Duck (koloa maoli; Anas wyvilliana), a non-migratory and island-endemic species, experienced a significant population decline during the twentieth century due to factors such as ...
  • Women living in sub-Saharan Africa are more affected by HIV/AIDS than any other population in the world. Two-thirds of all new HIV infections worldwide occur in sub-Saharan Africa and over 60% of these ...
  • The critically endangered Maui's dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori maui) and the endangered Hector's dolphin (C. h. hectori) are endemic to the coastal waters of New Zealand, where their primary threat ...
  • When adult spawning and juvenile settling locations of marine fishes are geographically separated, their early life history stages must rely on transport and their own behavior to move them toward suitable ...