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  • NERC's biannual forecast of employment, income, housing permits, and house prices for the Portland MSA. The April release also includes the annual forecast of population and households.
  • Background: School attendance rates in sub-Saharan Africa are among the lowest worldwide, placing children at heightened risk for poor educational and economic outcomes. One understudied risk factor for ...
  • Citation
  • Elizabeth Morehead focuses on the changing demographic of households in the Portland metropolitan region
  • 75. [Article] Smart Flow Meter: Pitch
    Presentation outlining the plan for a new smart flow meter that provides features that automatically fill and maintain household water tanks with integrated application connected functionality.
  • Overview of annual median income and self-sufficiency standards for various household types in 2014, for several Oregon counties in Northwestern Oregon.
  • Researchers have difficulty modeling the influence of retailing attributes on consumer choice. The literature of retailing that has dealt with this issue has conventionally used experimental data for estimating ...
  • This dissertation focuses on the precise and meaningful measurement of change as it pertains to the urban subarea residential housing status. The word "measurement" is qualified as meaningful in the sense ...
  • The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Handbook has become the predominant method for estimating vehicle trips generated by development. The handbook is often criticized for its ...
  • This research builds on the related Phase 1 project. In this second phase, we continue to study neighborhood and housing preferences that shape the residential location decision process. An online experimental ...