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  • Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB's) are organochlorine molecules which find various industrial and product applications. PCB's are of concern to biologists because they are toxic substances which have become ...
  • Problems associated with planning the future use of estuarine areas stem from: A lack of knowledge on the critical aspects of the system. Inability to predict the future changes which will occur within ...
  • About $15 billion of freight passes annually through the Lower Columbia River (LCR) navigation channel to reach Portland and Vancouver, where most of it connects with land transport. This commerce plays ...
  • Political and institutional leaders in the Pacific Northwest have struggled over how best to manage Columbia River Basin development and the implications of that development since the early 1900s. Their ...
  • Siltcoos Lake is a large (1280 hectares), shallow (mean depth 3.3 m; maximum depth 6.7 m) lake located on the Central Oregon Coast, just south of Florence and bordered by Dunes City, Oregon. The outflow ...
  • This report represents a thematic summary of findings from the Alagnak Wild River Resident Users Study, the final project in a larger series of studies conducted for the National Park Service (NPS) as ...
  • More than one hundred years have passed since the Chinese laborers first landed in this country in the mid-nineteenth century. Yet their history remains cloudy. This phenomenon is quite understandable ...