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  • Physiologic responses to Gibberellic Acid (GA), I-Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA), Benzylaminopurine (BAP), and Abscisic Acid (ABA). suggest that Oosterium monilfferum has the ability to utilize these plant ...
  • Occupational regulation of many professions has grown in magnitude and complexity in the past fifty years. Statutes relating to occupational regulation are often implemented by state legislatures without ...
  • In striated muscle, the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) is the major storage compartment of intracellular Ca2+ that controls cytosolic free Ca2+ (Cai) and developed force by sequestering and releasing Ca2+ ...
  • Drones, also named as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), are becoming increasingly popular around the world. The objective of this paper is to understand different type of drones and its applications. This ...
  • There are increasing numbers of low-speed electric vehicles (LSVs) on public roadways. These vehicles are designed to be used within protected environments and on roadways with a maximum posted speed of ...
  • Microbial populations can withstand, overcome and persist in the face of environmental fluctuation. Previously, we demonstrated how conditional gene regulation in a fluctuating environment drives dilution ...
  • As interest in urban agriculture sweeps the country, municipalities are struggling to update, code to meet public demands. The proliferation of urban livestock—especially chickens, rabbits, bees, and goats—has ...
  • Research has begun to identify recovery experiences during nonwork time as an important mechanism explaining the relationship between job characteristics and strain (Geurts & Sonnentag, 2006; Kinnunen, ...
  • The principle calcium regulator in the muscle cell is the calcium ion release channel (RyR). Improper calcium homeostasis in the muscle cell is the foundation of many pathological states and has been targeted ...
  • In accordance with the general opinions towards women at the time, the establishment of the Office of Decency (known as the Onestá) in Florence, Italy during the Renaissance served to dehumanize the women ...