
Search Results

  • 241. [Image] RA_PETR_OI_0168
    Oregondigital df66pk21g
    Small scene of an archer hunting two bear; on scraped, vertical surface.; Bronze Age
  • 242. [Image] RA_PETR_OI_0433
    Oregondigital df66pp10k
    Frontal figure and animals in what is either a hunting or a herding scene. On lower edge of broken bedrock section.; Late Bronze Age
  • 243. [Image] PETR_00010_TG
    Oregondigital df66pt39c
    Mushroom hatted hunter, dog on leash; wild goat, deer; Bronze Age
  • 244. [Image] PETR_00009_KV
    Oregondigital df66pt89k
    View of rock wall with hunting scene, goats on trail; Iron Age
  • 245. [Image] RA_PETR_TG_0911
    Oregondigital df66ph23m
    Boulder with large hunting scene, including finely drawn hunter shooting elk, several fine ibex, bulls (inverted, above). On high terrace, right bank of upper Tsagaan Gol.; Bronze Age
  • 246. [Image] RA_PETR_OI_0199
    Oregondigital df66pk59d
    Boulder, deeply scraped with extended composition built around an antler landscape: from the head of a small stag sprouts a large antler that becomes elongated into a mountain path. On the antler stands ...
  • 247. [Image] RA_PETR_TG_0257
    Oregondigital df66p752d
    Scene to the right of the large bull's head: three archers, two with large horned headdresses, two with long bows. Unclear if the archer closest to the rock fracture is shooting at the middle figure or ...
  • 248. [Image] RA_PETR_OI_0277
    Oregondigital df66pm47t
    View of large boulder dominating East Ritual Site, with several stylized deer, birthing women, hunting scenes and dwellings on upper part of stone. Entire stone has been pecked over, as if in a ritual ...
  • 249. [Image] RA_PETR_OI_0305
    Oregondigital df66pm725
    Finely pecked fallen slab photographed in a shaded part of a draw. The images, executed in a dense, fine pecking, appear to all be by the same hand: large bulls, small hunter with dogs and fleeing goat, ...