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  • Juvenile salmonids display highly variable spatial and temporal movement patterns that are influenced by density dependent (e.g., competition, predation) and density independent (e.g., genetics, stream ...
  • Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) migration and spawning are unique components of the salmon life cycle because they require synchrony of behavior with other individuals as well as with acceptable fluvial ...
  • Suggested citation: "Blouin, Michael S.; Banks, Michael A.; Moyer, Gregory R.; Theriault, Veronique; Whitcomb, Amelia; Loomis, David; Jackson, Laura S. (2013): Umpqua Coho Salmon Genetic Pedigree. Oregon ...
  • Tidal marshlands in the upper estuary ecotone provide essential habitat for juvenile salmonids. In this environment, salmonids grow rapidly and acclimate to saltwater. Worldwide, tidal marshes have been ...
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