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  • The Investigations in Transportation program is an elementary school partnership and curriculum development project that will engage science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professionals ...
  • Transit serves as backbone infrastructure for many regional and local visions for sustainable urban development. Also, many modern policies predicate transit funding on the potential for transit-oriented ...
  • An interview with Skip Newbury, President and CEO of the Technology Association of Oregon (TAO). He is a frequent speaker on technology trends and topics, economic development, public-private partnerships ...
  • The net effects of sprawl or compact development on area-wide traffic congestion have been a subject of debate among transportation researchers. This project aims to settle the debate using: Congestion ...
  • A research project compares transportation affordability between transitoriented development (TOD) and transit-adjacent development (TAD).
  • In-depth case studies explore how transit-oriented development can revitalize neighborhoods without displacing low-income residents.
  • A demolition epidemic? Linn Davis explores the history of architectural preservation in the region, how it intersects with other development issues, and how we might strengthen our ability to protect architecturally ...
  • To reflect the Division Vision Coalition's (DVC) desire to promote neighborhood livability through sustainable development, Team Urbanics offered a series of community workshops in May 2004 that explored ...
  • Past and current planning efforts by the City of Portland, such as the South Park Blocks Urban Renewal Area and the West End plan, have sought to promote new mixed-use development through increasing the ...
  • The City of Portland, Oregon has experienced unprecedented population growth in the last decade, much of which has been accommodated through infill development. Not all infi ll development has contributed ...