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  • Graduation date: 2015
  • Through several two-day meetings the workgroup and invited subject matter experts discussed each objective in detail. Specific workforce capacity issues facing the ODF Protection from Fire Program were ...
  • The purpose of this document is to provide the SAH Workgroup with a summary of SAH strategy development and identify issues that have arisen so that all work group members have a common understanding of ...
  • This annotated bibliography was prepared for the Salmon Anchor Habitat Work Group. This group was formed by the Oregon Department of Forestry to review and evaluate the Salmon Anchor Habitat Strategy as ...
  • The 2003 Oregon Legislature directed the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) to convene a citizen work group to review and evaluate the ODF Salmon Anchor Habitat Strategy for state forests in northwest ...
  • This document describes strategies and specific actions that will be undertaken to implement recommendations that emerged from a comprehensive review of the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) Protection ...