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  • 10454
    This paper considers the optimum design of unitary water-to-air heat pump units for use in distributed systems. The idea considers a heat pump unit with standard off-the-shelf components but optimized ...
  • 10451
    This short report provides information on the process of producing ethanol for automotive fuel by employing geothermal energy. It also covers the feasibility of this kind of project
  • 9324
    The purpose of this report is to present in a single work, an overall treatment of direct geothermal applications with an emphasis on the above ground engineering
  • 9325
    The inventory appears in two volumes, the first being this report, and the second containing individual state maps of identified cities and hydrothermal sites
  • 10452
    This report discusses the principals and construction details of a farm-sized vacuum still. The concepts are explained as well as included diagrams to better illustrate the processes
  • 9323
    This document represents the efforts of a team of DOE officials and six non-government organizations. Their objective critique led to very beneficial changes in the methodology for analysis