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  • Citation
  • This dissertation presents the results of three studies that assessed climate variability on short and long timescales in western United States. The growth of carbonate formations in caves (speleothems) ...
  • This project, part of the Northeast Pacific GLOBEC Long Term Observation Project (NEPGLOBEC- LTOP), constitutes the first multi-year study of phytoplankton variability in the Oregon coastal environment. ...
  • This project is part of ongoing research, which has been extended to include temporal variation. Dr. Lorenzo Ciannelli has also been brought onto this project as of Fall 2015.
  • This study examines climatological influences, particularly that of snowpack, on tree growth and stable carbon isotope discrimination (Δ¹³C) from ~1980 to 2013 at two sites located in the upper reaches ...
  • The signatories of this statement seek to describe the state of scientific knowledge regarding likely impacts of climate change to the Pacific Northwest region. The intent is to assist Governor Kulongoski’s ...
  • Citation
  • I developed a priori hypotheses and used logistic regression to model Greater Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis tabida) nest success in relation to weather, habitat and management variables for cranes breeding ...
  • The central Oregon coast was selected as an ideal site for wave energy development and establishment of the Pacific Marine Energy Center (PMEC). PMEC will consist of two nearshore sites, one north (NETS) ...
  • Renewable energy resources, such as wind, solar, and wave, have a number of advantages compared to traditional fossil fuels. Numerous studies attest to the physical potential for wave energy development ...