
Search Results

  • Oregondigital df665k489
    A Native American man sits astride a white horse at the edge of a creek or pond. In the background are deciduous trees and bushes. The man wears a horned headdress with fur or feathers on it, and beaded ...
  • Oregondigital df665k37s
    A Native American man identified as Phillip Jones of the Cayuse tribe stands outdoors on a dark blanket with light geometric patterns. He is standing close to bushes and under some trees. His moccasins ...
  • Oregondigital df665j394
    This photograph of a Native American man identified as "John Liberty, Umatilla tribe", is set up as if it were a studio portrait, with a dark blanket hanging down behind him as a backdrop. However, over ...
  • Oregondigital df665j084
    A Native American man, identified as Abraham Lyman of the Walla Walla tribe, is standing outside in front of a backdrop. He is wearing a single trail bonnet, a geometrically beaded vest, brass arm bands, ...
  • Oregondigital df665j369
    A group of eight men stand in a dirt yard. A white frame wooden building is on the right of the photograph; bare trees are in the background. A badge is visible on five of the men. Seven of the men are ...
  • Oregondigital df665k49k
    A Native American man, woman, and young girl stand in front of a tipi in a meadow of tall grasses in this stereographic photo. Spread out at their feet lie a couple of striped blankets. The child wears ...
  • Oregondigital df70nf05c
    Eight Native-American men and women on horses are posing in front of trees and tipis. All but two have some sort of headdress, three men carry feather staffs. All the people have blankets wrapped around ...
  • Oregondigital df665h87k
    An outside photograph of two Native American men dressed in Pendleton blankets posing on the bank of a river in the wintertime. Both men have their hair in braids, with a single feather attached. Each ...
  • Oregondigital df665h99c
    A Native American man, identified as Dr. Whirl-wind (Charley Whirlwind, Sr.) of the Cayuse Tribe, is mounted on a horse. The man is wearing buckskin pants and shirt and moccasins. The shirt is decorated ...
  • Oregondigital df70n9625
    A Native American man, identified as Sequyene of the Walla Walla tribe, stands next to a horse. The man and horse are seen in profile. The man is wearing a feathered headdress that reaches to the ground ...