
Search Results

  • Oregondigital df70nb036
    A Native American man, identified as Jack Chapman, stands by a ford, or stream crossing, with his family, two horses, and a carriage. He wears Euro-American clothing and holds a baby in a cradleboard. ...
  • Oregondigital df665j31x
    An interior photograph of a European-American man, identified as Lee Moorhouse, standing in a room filled with Native American ceremonial objects and general artifacts. The man is holding a rifle in his ...
  • Oregondigital df70nb05r
    A Native American man sits in front of Elephant rock. He is wearing a cloth robe and has a long braid. The landscape looks arid and rocky. Elephant rock is a large, craggy rock fromation, shaped like an ...
  • Oregondigital df70n982n
    A Native American man, identified as Charley Whirlwind, Sr. (also known as Dr. Whirlwind), wearing a robe, or possibly a cape or cloak, stands near a rock formation identified as Elephant Rock near Gibbon, ...
  • Oregondigital df70nf12s
    An image of a print of a Native American man wearing a horned headdress, a shirt, armbands, a neckerchief, and hair ornaments. His hair is in braids.
  • Oregondigital df70nb76q
    Fourteen Native American men on horeback are riding through an encampment. All are wearing some sort of headdress and tribal costume. Some are carrying staffs with feather adornment. The horses have ...
  • Oregondigital df70n981c
    A Native American man identified as Poker Jim, Chief of Round Up, sits in front of a backdrop. He wears traditional Native American clothing, including a buckskin coat and a headdress with feathers, furs, ...
  • Oregondigital df70n985g
    A Native American man, identified as Poker Jim, Chief at Round Up, sits in a chair wearing Native American clothing, including a buckskin coat with fringe, a headdress with eagle feathers, fur and other ...
  • Oregondigital df70nf018
    A Native American man, identified incorrectly as Bones of the Palouse tribe, stands on a mat in front of a backdrop. He wears Native American clothing, including a fur hair wrap, choker, bracelet, arm ...
  • Oregondigital df70n9846
    A Native American man, identified as Poker Jim, Chief at Round Up, stands on a mat with a geometric motif and wears Native American clothing, including a buckskin coat with fringe, a headdress with eagle ...