
Search Results

  • 8556
    The Office of Energy contracted Energy Services Inc. of Idaho Falls, Idaho to make a brief and limited evaluation of the geothermal resource potential of the Fairfield, Idaho area
  • 8557
    This report is a summary of the task accomplished during the first six months of the cooperative agreement between the U.S. Department of Energy and the Idaho Office of Energy. The report concentrates ...
  • 9332
    A preliminary investigation was performed in northeastern Kern County in order to assess the low temperature geothermal resources. The objective was to develop an accurate inventory of the low temperature ...
  • 10455
    This study summarizes known information, estimates economic risk, and outlines institutional parameters which are site specific to the Blaine County area
  • 5013
    Geothermal systems are described for Imperial Valley and The Geysers, California; Klamath Falls, Oregon; and the Rio Grande Rift Zone, New Mexico; including information on location, area, depth, temperature, ...
  • 1116
    Economically feasible uses for geothermal heat at temperatures too low for conventional electrical power generation at present are delineated. Several geothermal resource areas in northern California that ...