
Search Results

  • 2039
    Progress is reported in the development of procedures for the evaluation of low-temperature radiogenically-derived geothermal resources in the eastern United States utilizing geological geochemical, and ...
  • 158
    The program, plans, and procedures to be used in drilling and completion of the Raft River Geothermal Exploratory Hole No. 3(RRGE-3) are described. RRGE-3 will be located in the Raft River valley of south ...
  • 1135
    The potential for discovering geopressured geothermal reservoirs in the Vicksburg Formation is limited to Hidalgo County along the Lower Texas Gulf Coast. In Hidalgo County, an area of approximately 385 ...
  • 2052
    The economics of a particular hybrid plant must be evaluated with respect to a specific site. This volume focuses on the Roosevelt Hot Springs KGRA. The temperature, pressure, and flow rate data given ...
  • 8512
    A study was made to determine the origin of the warm springs and to evaluate the geothermal resource potential of the area in the vicinity of the Warm Springs anticline in Bath and Alleghany Counties, ...
  • 8527
    Energy Extraction Hole No. 1 (EE-1) is the second deep hole drilled into the Precambrian-age granitic rocks of the Jemez Mountains of north-central New Mexico. EE-1 was drilled to intersect a hydraulic ...
  • 1106
    The Roosevelt KGRA (Known Geothermal Resource Area) located near Milford, Utah, is associated with a suite of quaternary silicic volcanics distributed for 15 km along the crest and western flank of the ...