
Search Results

  • 8515
    Progress in the development of a cost-effective exploration program for low- to moderate-temperature geothermal resources is reported. As part of this program two or three demonstration projects in Arizona ...
  • 2045
    The Geothermal Prograin at V.P.I. & S.U. has two goals. The immediate goal is the economic development of geothermal energy in the eastern U.S. A paper by Lambiase, Dashevsky, Costain, Gleason and McClung ...
  • 8516
    Progress in the development of a cost-effective exploration program for low- to moderate-temperature geothermal resources is reported. As part of this program two or three demonstration projects in Arizona ...
  • 4711
    Known and potential geothermal resources of the eastern United States are reported. The resources considered are exclusively hydrothermal, and the study was confined to the 35 states east of the Rocky ...
  • 2039
    Progress is reported in the development of procedures for the evaluation of low-temperature radiogenically-derived geothermal resources in the eastern United States utilizing geological geochemical, and ...
  • 1135
    The potential for discovering geopressured geothermal reservoirs in the Vicksburg Formation is limited to Hidalgo County along the Lower Texas Gulf Coast. In Hidalgo County, an area of approximately 385 ...
  • 56
    A regional geothermal resource assessment has been conducted for the major islands in the Hawaiian chain. The assessment was made through the compilation and evaluation of the readily accessible geological, ...
  • 8512
    A study was made to determine the origin of the warm springs and to evaluate the geothermal resource potential of the area in the vicinity of the Warm Springs anticline in Bath and Alleghany Counties, ...
  • 5836
    A brief overview is given of the geological characteristics of each region of the state as they relate to potential geothermal development. Those exploration methods which can lead to the siting of a deep ...