
Search Results

  • 1135
    The potential for discovering geopressured geothermal reservoirs in the Vicksburg Formation is limited to Hidalgo County along the Lower Texas Gulf Coast. In Hidalgo County, an area of approximately 385 ...
  • 2052
    The economics of a particular hybrid plant must be evaluated with respect to a specific site. This volume focuses on the Roosevelt Hot Springs KGRA. The temperature, pressure, and flow rate data given ...
  • 56
    A regional geothermal resource assessment has been conducted for the major islands in the Hawaiian chain. The assessment was made through the compilation and evaluation of the readily accessible geological, ...
  • 1106
    The Roosevelt KGRA (Known Geothermal Resource Area) located near Milford, Utah, is associated with a suite of quaternary silicic volcanics distributed for 15 km along the crest and western flank of the ...