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  • In July 1997 a trade agreement between Norway and the European Union went into effect. The agreement specifies an increase in the export levy on Norwegian salmon entering the EU from 0.75% to 3.00% ad ...
  • This paper provides an analysis of the market potential for organic salmon, primarily in the European Union. There has been a substantial growth in the demand for organic food products in industrialised ...
  • It is generally accepted that the color of salmon products is one of the most important quality parameters. Therefore, color plays a decisive role when evaluating the quality of the product at point-of-sale. ...
  • This study investigates a possible structural break in the relationship between the price of Norwegian salmon exported to the EU and prices of Chilean salmon exported to the US. A structural break is expected ...
  • Presentation
  • Rising consumer concern over intensive food production issues has resulted in an increase in demand for organic alternatives to a wide variety of foods including fruit and vegetables, meat and poultry. ...
  • The author presents research conducted by the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute on consumer preferences and buying habits.
  • Some years ago, the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture undertook a study of the nutrient profile of the leading species of cultivated and wild fish and shellfish. Some data from that work were published, but information ...
  • Japan has about 10% and 15% share for the consumption and trade of marine products respectively, and the trend has significant impacts on world markets. Thus the purpose of this article is to estimate ...
  • The seafood industry is one part of the food industry competing for consumer protein demand. Generic advertising or promotion offers one approach to expand that demand. Generic promotion programs focus ...