
Search Results

  • Oregondigital df70nb76q
    Fourteen Native American men on horeback are riding through an encampment. All are wearing some sort of headdress and tribal costume. Some are carrying staffs with feather adornment. The horses have ...
  • Oregondigital df70n979b
    A Native American man identified as Joe Bennett of the Walla Walla tribe stands in traditional Native American clothing near a tipi. He wears a buckskin shirt with fringe, a headband with an eagle feather, ...
  • Oregondigital df70nb75f
    Elderly Native American male is posed outside in front of a studio back drop (wooden framed and matted). He is standing on a small round braided mat. He is dressed in tribal costume and regalia. He has ...
  • Oregondigital df665k27j
    A Native American man, identified as Lazy Dog of the Umatilla tribe, is seated outside on a white horse. The man is wearing a cowboy hat with feathers tucked into the hat band. He is wearing Euro-American ...
  • Oregondigital df665h826
    An outside photograph of a Native American man identified as Uma-Som-Kin. He is dressed in full regalia and sitting on a horse, next to a river. For his headdress, the man is wearing a bonnet with a single ...
  • Oregondigital df665j07v
    A Native American man, identified as Tots-homa of the Cayuse tribe, is kneeling outside on one knee. He is wearing a single trail bonnet, earrings, a loop necklace, bracelets, and moccasins. He is holding ...
  • Oregondigital df665k52w
    An outside photograph of an older Native American man posing in front of an unadorned blanket backdrop draped over a wall. He has been identified as Five Crows, and is dressed in regalia. His hair is unbound ...
  • Oregondigital df70n983x
    A Native American man, identified as Chief No-Shirt of the Walla Walla Tribe, is sitting on a horse in a grass field. An encampment, consisting of tipis, wagons, and horses, appears in the background. ...
  • Oregondigital df70n937t
    A Native American man standing outside against a black fabric backdrop hung from the side of a building. He is wearing a horned and feathered headdress, a buckskin shirt, geometrically-beaded moccasins, ...
  • Oregondigital df70nf043
    A Native American man, identified as Parson Motanic of the Cayuse Tribe, stands in an outdoor setting holding a bustle in his right hand. The headdress is ornamented with feathers and fur. The man is dressed ...