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  • 145
    The primary objective for the Hot Dry Rock Program at the Los Alamos National Laboratory during fiscal year 1985 was to complete the Phase 2 reservoir connection and to begin flow testing the resulting ...
  • 9311
    Coso Geothermal Exploratory Hole No. 1 (CGEH-1) was drilled to investigate the potential of the Coso Hot Springs Known Geothermal Resource Area (KGRA) in southeastern California. Detailed background information ...
  • 4713
    The potential for direct (non-electric) utilization of local-gradient geothermal energy in six Alaskan towns is summarized. A major objective of this study was to stimulate development and Use of the geothermal ...
  • 2036
    The following subjects are covered: geothermal energy and its use, electric utilities and the climate for geothermal development, the raw fuels industry and geothermal energy, and government and energy. ...