
Search Results

  • 5826
    Resource assessment and methods of direct utilization for existing and prospective food processing plants have been determined in two geothermal resource areas in Oregon. Ore-Ida Foods, Inc. and Amalgamated ...
  • 101
    The NCSL Geothermal Policy Project continued with initiation of geothermal studies in new project states and furthering of policy development in existing project states. Initial contact was made with the ...
  • 4697
    The NCSL geothermal policy project continued with initiating geothermal studies in new project states and furthering policy development in existing states. Activities of the project staff are reviewed ...
  • 1116
    Economically feasible uses for geothermal heat at temperatures too low for conventional electrical power generation at present are delineated. Several geothermal resource areas in northern California that ...
  • 7
    The status of the engineering and economic feasibility study of utilizing geothermal energy for the mining and processing of tungsten ore at the Union Carbide-Metals Division Pine Creek tungsten complex ...
  • 9
    The engineering, economic, and environmental feasibility of the use of low and moderate temperature geothermal heat in the mining and processing of tungsten ore is explored. The following are covered: ...
  • 5834
    Near-term and long-term supply curves are presented for electric applications of geothermal energy. The GEOCOST model was used to determine the present and future energy production costs for the high-temperature ...