
Search Results

  • 4724
    CN-12-201-177NA Klamath Project - Oregon-California. View of trencher with completed pipe and cinder installation, looking east; October 11, 1972; Bureau of Reclamation photo by D. W. Stein
  • 4753
    CN-12-201-206NA Klamath Project - Oregon-California. Looking into trench where the steel pipe is attached to plastic drainage tubing; February 1973; Bureau of Reclamation photo by D. W. Stein
  • 5220
    CN-12-200-69A Klamath Project, Oregon-California. View of trench with completed pipe and cinder installation, looking west; October 11, 1972; Bureau of Reclamation photo by D.W. Stein
  • 4106
    P-12-200-3093NA Klamath Project - Oregon-California. General view of trenching and installing cinders and pipe on Closed Drain #53-2; February 1975; USBR photo by D. W. Stein