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  • Q-Cells is a company founded in 1999 and is currently a global leader in manufacturing solar photovoltaic (PV) panels.[1][2] The current products use traditional crystalline Silicon (cSi) technology. Although ...
  • New product development success largely depends on the ability to combine newly acquired information on customer demands and technological options with knowledge that exists within the company. Project ...
  • A growing body of research suggests that the fuzzy front-end of product development should not be managed with a one-size-fits-all standard process. Instead, projects with different market and technical ...
  • Many new products that were originally welcomed for addressing customer requirements and greater societal needs turn out to have severe negative consequences because product developers uncertain about ...
  • Many companies lack efficient management of the early phases of new product development (NPD) - the socalled fuzzy front end (FFE). Rather than on structured methods, decision makers rely on ?gut ?feel? ...
  • Project screening in the fuzzy front-end of product development is dominantly based on managerial judgment, yet little is known about the quality of heuristic screening decisions. This research models ...
  • Evaluation and selection of new projects is vital to the health of an organization. This paper explores the background of new project selection and the methodologies to evaluate new projects for selection. ...
  • Research in psychology is increasingly interested in decision-makers' use of heuristics or rules of thumb because they have accuracies close to more complex decision rules and seem particularly useful ...
  • The high level process consists of three major funnels and two key parts. The first funnel is “Discovery” in which the new strategic goals are communicated company wide at an all hands meeting. In this ...
  • Vizio Inc., which started with only 3 people in 2002, has become the number one shipper of LCD HDTVs to the U.S. consumer electronics market of 2009. They have achieved their fast growth by concentrating ...