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  • Oregondigital df70nb76q
    Fourteen Native American men on horeback are riding through an encampment. All are wearing some sort of headdress and tribal costume. Some are carrying staffs with feather adornment. The horses have ...
  • Oregondigital df70n979b
    A Native American man identified as Joe Bennett of the Walla Walla tribe stands in traditional Native American clothing near a tipi. He wears a buckskin shirt with fringe, a headband with an eagle feather, ...
  • Oregondigital df70nb72m
    A group of Native American men, identified as members of the Umatilla tribe, ride horses along a row of trees and tipis. The men wear regalia, including feathered headdresses. In the background is a line ...
  • Oregondigital df665j547
    An outside photograph of three Native American women and a Native American boy. The women are all wearing Native regalia; the young boy is dressed in Euro-American clothing. All four are standing on Pendleton ...
  • Oregondigital df70nb75f
    Elderly Native American male is posed outside in front of a studio back drop (wooden framed and matted). He is standing on a small round braided mat. He is dressed in tribal costume and regalia. He has ...
  • 6. [Image] We-Nix Cayuse Tribe
    Oregondigital df665j440
    A Native American woman, identified as We-nix of the Cayuse Indians and sister of Donald McKay, stands in front of a canvas tipi. She is wearing a plain cloth dress, plain moccasins, leggings with a floral ...
  • Oregondigital df665k49k
    A Native American man, woman, and young girl stand in front of a tipi in a meadow of tall grasses in this stereographic photo. Spread out at their feet lie a couple of striped blankets. The child wears ...
  • Oregondigital df70nf05c
    Eight Native-American men and women on horses are posing in front of trees and tipis. All but two have some sort of headdress, three men carry feather staffs. All the people have blankets wrapped around ...
  • Oregondigital df665k02p
    A Native American woman, identified as Wo-Ho-Pum, is standing and facing the side of a cloth tipi. A Pendleton blanket is attached to the tipi and hangs down to the ground. There are several bags displayed ...
  • Oregondigital df665h99c
    A Native American man, identified as Dr. Whirl-wind (Charley Whirlwind, Sr.) of the Cayuse Tribe, is mounted on a horse. The man is wearing buckskin pants and shirt and moccasins. The shirt is decorated ...