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  • Oregondigital df71zj590
    Display of the M-40A1 106mm recoilless rifle mounted on US Army Jeep. Cadets in civilian clothes looking on as Ft. Lewis soldier gives instruction.
  • Oregondigital df71zj565
    Cadet viewing display of the standard M-30 4.2 inch mortar. Developed in the early 1950s, this weapon is still in use today.
  • Oregondigital df71zj45n
    Two cadets viewing a US Army Howitzer 105mm M2A2 on display at Ft. Lewis training visit.
  • Oregondigital df71zf914
    Column of artillery pieces (75mm) being moved through campus.
  • Oregondigital df71zf90v
    Column of artillery pieces (75mm) being moved through campus.
  • Oregondigital df71zk995
    Two cadets (OSU ROTC) viewing the bore of a 155mm "Long Tom" Heavy Artillery piece on display at Ft. Lewis Washington. Photo is marked in pencil on reverse with "Oregon State", probably indicating the ...
  • Oregondigital df71zj58q
    Display of the M-29 81mm light infantry mortar. Developed in 1952 and was in service through the early 1980s. Cadet in civilian clothes is receiving instruction from Ft. Lewis soldier.
  • Oregondigital df71zj55w
    Display of the standard US Army heavy artillery, M1A1 155mm Howitzer. In use from WWI through the present day, this is the improved version produced in the 1950s. Senior non-commissioned officer in foreground ...
  • Oregondigital df71zj50h
    M-60A-1 Patton Tank. A new design, produced from 1960-1987, this vehicle is brand new. The display vehicle has a unit number and shield painted on turret.
  • Oregondigital df71zh43w
    Towed artillery pieces passing in review, Inspection Day, probably late 1930s. Trucks in photo of 1930s vintage. Artillery pieces are 37mm cannons, replacement equipment for the older WWI vintage French ...