
Search Results

  • 5825
    Resource assessment and methods of direct utilization for existing and prospective food processing plants have been determined in two geothermal resource areas in Oregon. Ore-Ida Foods, Inc. and Amalgamated ...
  • 5826
    Resource assessment and methods of direct utilization for existing and prospective food processing plants have been determined in two geothermal resource areas in Oregon. Ore-Ida Foods, Inc. and Amalgamated ...
  • 1116
    Economically feasible uses for geothermal heat at temperatures too low for conventional electrical power generation at present are delineated. Several geothermal resource areas in northern California that ...
  • 10349
    A multi-use, integrated project plan has been developed for the combined electrical and direct utilization of an intermediate temperature geothermal resource. This concept addresses an integrated project ...
  • Oregondigital fx71cd376
    1. Letter describing proposed creation of a State Planning Board and State Department of Conservation and Development as well as funding for wildlife research; 2. Letter to Chancellor W. J. Kerr recommending ...