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United States. Bureau of Reclamation
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KP-2013-R2 - Klamath Project. Homestead Development. Total of 74 acres. 17 1/2 acres alfalfa, 35 acres clover, 16 1/2 acres potatoes. Picture shows new addition to homestead. Companion to Picture No. ...
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KP-2039-R2 - Klamath Project. Picture taken looking West, showing S. P. Railroad pile driver in operation, old concrete structure, and temporary railroad bridge; August 15, 1950; Photo by Andrew M. Be...
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KP-2040-R2 - Klamath Project. Lost River Diversion Channel. Picture taken from South West side of bridge showing radial gates, dynamited concrete wing walls, and newly driven piles, which will be cut ...
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KP-2041-R2 - Klamath Project. Lost River Diversion Channel. Control Structure and Railroad Bridge. Picture taken at the northwest corner showing base for the northwest wing wall. New piles have been ...
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KP-2044-R2 - Klamath Project. Lost River Diversion Channel. Control Structure and Railroad Bridge. Picture is an experiment for action shots showing the blasting of the base of the old northwest wingwall. ...
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2036. [Image] Mossing Operation
KP-2045-R2 - Klamath Project. Mossing Operation. Two T-D6 cats pull a heavy chain in lateral to cut away weeds and moss. The cats work a see-saw operation with the 100 foot heavy chain, that is, one ...Citation -
2037. [Image] Farm of E. C. Lemler
KP-2054-R2 - Klamath Project. Total of 220 acres; 35 acres of potatoes, 100 acres Hannchen Barley, 85 acres of clover. Lemler's development is the result of 13 years of farming. Picture shows the beautiful ...Citation -
2038. [Image] Homestead of Carl F. Haas, sold to John B. Bone
KP-2057-R2 - Klamath Project. Total acreage, 84.2 acres; 25 acres onions, balance in potatoes. Picture shows one of a few onion crops in the Tule Lake area. This is the first attempt to raise onions ...Citation -
2039. [Image] 1946 Tule Lake Homestead Area
KP-2058-R2 - Klamath Project. 1946 Tule Lake Homestead Area. Looking straight north. James A Bell homestead near left; Alber N. Krouse homestead, center. Homesteads along center of picture from Krouse's ...Citation -
2040. [Image] Tule Lake Grain Company Elevator
KP-2060-R2 - Klamath Project. Telephoto showing the results of the homesteaders' grain harvest. The hill of grain outside the elevators is Hannchen Barley. Lack of railroad cars for transportation ...Citation