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United States. Bureau of Reclamation
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2021. [Image] Lost River Diversion Channel - Picture shows newly constructed bents for bridge at Sta. 346-10
KP-2066-R2 - Klamath Project. Lost River Diversion Channel. Concrete has been sprayed with white pigment for curing purposes; August 31, 1950; Photo by Andrew M. BergloffCitation -
2022. [Image] Lost River Diversion Channel - Sta. 344-00
KP-1992-R2 - Klamath Project. Lost River Diversion Channel. Sta. 344-00. Ponding of water on top of dike in preparation for compaction of new dike. This material is highly diatomaceous. Absorbing ...Citation -
2023. [Image] Lost River Diversion Channel - Picture shows construction of county road by cat and carryall
KP-1997-R2 - Klamath Project. Lost River Diversion Channel. Satisfactory compaction is obtained from weight of cat tracks and from pressure under the bid [sic -?] carryall tires. Sta. 360-00. Looking ...Citation -
KP-1998-R2 - Klamath Project. Lost River Diversion Channel. The machines are building and compacting foundation for county road. This will also serve as the south bank of the new Diversion Channel, Sta. ...
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KP-1999-R2 - Klamath Project. Lost River Diversion Channel. Picture shows contractor's (Stacy) earth moving and compacting equipment as they stand on newly constructed County Road and south bank of new ...
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KP-2000-R2 - Klamath Project. Lost River Diversion Channel. Picture shows close-up of good compaction tool - the rear tire of the 16-yard carryall unit. Pressure from the cushioned tire causes an even ...
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KP-2001-R2 - Klamath Project. Lost River Diversion Channel. Picture shows carryall unit scooping dirt as pusher-cat at rear of carryall unit gives added push for the lack of traction by lead cat. Loading ...
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KP-2002-R2 - Klamath Project. Lost River Diversion Channel. Close-up showing cleated tracks of D-8 Cat in movement as Cat travels back and forth on edge of fill to give added compaction; July 26, 1950; ...
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KP-2007-R2 - Klamath Project. 1947 Tule Lake Homestead Area. Earl Parson's beautiful concrete block house with newly planted lawn in left foreground. Maurice Barcus' place farther left. Both farmers ...
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2030. [Image] Homestead Development - John A. Irving homesite
KP-2012-R2 - Klamath Project. Homestead Development. Total 74 acres - 34 acres barley, 6 acres alfalfa, 6 acres clover, ten acres potatoes, remainder in pasture. New home is a remodeled 20-ft. barrack. ...Citation